*spoiler - it fits in the palm of your hand*
My head is swirling with ideas. It’s one of those mornings, that as I write this I can’t get my ideas down fast enough. I love making things and sharing them. Maybe sometimes making more things than I can get out there, which reminds me of when I was a college student living in Paris. I took a ridiculous amount of photos. My 35mm Cannon was always with me. I took more photos than I could process because back in those days, it was about getting in the darkroom, where I spent crazy fun hours watching my images come to life, but I was still left with rolls and rolls of black and white unprocessed film. To this day, I still have a plastic bag filled with unprocessed rolls of film, and also a binder-worthy amount of printed contact sheets with miniature thumbnails of all the photos upon photos I shot.

I loved photographing people during my romp through Europe in 1990. The anticipation of getting in the darkroom, and then not having the bandwidth to develop all my film gave me the discomfort of frustration for not following through. Not birthing what I created, and also making things too complicated, and when it gets complicated this points me to simplification. Big ideas are awesome, and they can be broken down into very simple steps … in fact, ridiculously simple steps, which inspired me to create this video showing you how to make podcasting a no-brainer.

What kept me podcasting for so many years, was my scrappy ability to make it easy and fun, and I wanted to find an easy way to show you how to do that too, and this video explains it.
The show notes, the fancy episode graphics, and the audiograms only become important AFTER you've nailed the heartbeat of a podcast -- your message.
My goal with this video is to make podcasting more accessible without the hoops and jumps, so I created this 3-step process that I talk all about here in the video.
No weeks of figuring out the tech, the "right" mic, or recording software ... and a quick little hint about what you’ll learn - the tools are what you’re already using, and they fit in the palm of your hand. OK, that's all I'll share, cause you gotta watch it.
So without further complicating things, watch the video, remove the fluff and maybe your fun weekend project is setting up your ridiculously simple podcast studio.
And if you need help with this process, click reply for a link to my calendar, and let's figure out your game plan.
Let’s keep it super simple, k?
xo, Kara audio alchemist, amplifier of voices + maker of pretty things